About Josh

About Josh

I’m an experienced startup operator with a history of scaling tech and teams. I’m a self-taught software developer, (and tech lead, and manager, yadda yadda) with a much wider-ranging career and education before that. I strive to bring curiosity, encouragement, and first-principles thinking to the work I’m doing.

I’m currently working as a Senior Staff Engineer at Shopify. I live in Chicago and Chicago is a great place to live.

My email address is josh@joshbeckman.org. I strongly prefer email as a communication method, so email me if you have a comment about something I’ve written - or write a post on your own site.

Want help with something? Here are ways I’m able to help.

You can read more about this site.


I’m @joshbeckman on Github, where I maintain open-source software projects. I welcome any issues or ideas you may open there and especially any code you can contribute. Creating and maintaining open-source software and open writing takes a lot of time and money, so fund my software maintenance and writing via GitHub Sponsors.
