2024 Chicago Horror Film Festival
Matt and Brandon and I had a lovely evening of horror short (and a couple feature-length!) films at the Logan Square Theater on the first night of their annual horror film fest.
We got to watch:
Party Panda: The Birth of A Serial Killer
I laughed a lot at this but I’m unsure if we were supposed to? It was a vehicle for the main actor to do what he wanted.
Teacups and Cookies
It telegraphed the twist a bit much for me, but not bad overall.
The Earth, The Worm
Creepy ethereal - could do with some tightening up.
The Secret Other
Yikes. Bad sound. Bad writing.
Wonderfully put together. Tightly wound and fun.
The sound was broken for this so I dunno - looked ok?
Really fun - sexy horror.
We laughed so hard that sometimes I forgot it was a horror movie, but it came back to that theme every once in a while. Nothing especially unique except that the off-kilter comedy kept me glancing around as every scene lasted a few seconds too long and it made me laugh.
Black Spines
This had some good cinematography and acting but I got bored by the slow pacing.
Josh Beckman
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