Why I Don't Use a Macropad
I just spent a few minutes envisioning myself buying and enjoying a Work Louder x Figma Creator Micro macro pad. I’m not going to buy it.
I bought a Megalodon Triple Knob Macro Pad last year, customized it, really tried to love it, and then returned it.
For anything that supports keyboard shortcuts, they are always going to have to support the basic keyboard and mouse, since that’s what 99% of their customers will have. So, when I’m typing words while using some software, it’ll always be easier/better for me just to use the conventional keyboard shortcuts (instead of moving my hands over to a macropad).
Maybe if I were regularly using some software that didn’t require me typing, a macropad would be useful. I think the closest thing to that for me is Apple Photos? But even there, I edit photos so frequently from the couch or outside - away from my desktop where a macro-pad would be - that I memorize the default keyboard shortcuts instead.
The macro-pad is a distraction for me.
Josh Beckman
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