Josh's Site ( home / notes / you-can-significant-improve-the-quality-of-internal-communca you can significant improve the quality of internal communcations within your organization by adopting four practices: Maintain the drip: communicate on a regular basis, even if you don’t have something novel to share Test before broadcasting: review your communication with a few people before sending it, to improve clarity and avoid blindspots Build the packet: ensure every communication has a concise summary, link to background context, and an explicit way to ask questions Use every channel: distribute important information across every relevant channel, including meetings, email, chat, etc Josh Beckman Reference 30.02 Leadership 67.03 Writing 67.04 Communication Internal Comms for Executives. 2023, January 24 Edit Referenced By Opening Up My Notes Garden Comment/Reply via email Widgets Network Graph Legend Insight This widget generates “insights” about a post - you can read about how it works. Generating Keyboard Shortcuts Key Action o Source e Edit i Insight r Random s or / Search Close