It’s using the ReAct pattern, which is straightforward and s...

It’s using the ReAct pattern, which is straightforward and surprisingly effective, as previously discussed. This pattern gets the AI to respond by making statements in a Thought/Action/PAUSE/Observation loop:

• Thought: the AI has to state the current situation and what it needs to do next

• Action: here the AI can act, using a structured command,_ perhaps by speaking to the user or running a command from a list of available tools.

• PAUSE: at this point we stop the AI auto-generating text, take whatever it said in the “Action”… then actually go and do it

• Observation: finally we feed back in the result of the action as an observation, and restart the loop. The AI resumes with a “Thought.”

Generally with the ReAct pattern the tools made available to the AI allow it to query Google, or look up an article in Wikipedia, or do a calculation. Using tools decreases the risk of hallucination and gives the AI access to accurate, up-to-date data.
