In some sense both of these observations are saying different versions of the same thing: TikTok (and YouTube, and Instagram, etc.) construct their users as speculators–independent, atomized, founder-entrepreneurs, open to the market and eager for chaos and risk, from which they might profit. A person whose orientation toward the world has been shaped by the social-media feed might imagine themselves as a daring, nervy gambler, riding big swings in odds and sentiment to reap financial (and social) rewards. You can see how supporting Trump, both as a voter and as a futures market gambler-speculator, might fit easily into this narrative.

Not that many gamblers (or speculators) actually profit–but the casino always does. The house always wins.

The basing together or people, the investment in each other instead of against each other in the house’s market, is the way out of this pit of competition.

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