A Successful Rewrite: Micro-services to Monolith

I was invited onto the Never Rewrite podcast last week to talk about… when and why I think you should rewrite software.

In the episode, I talked with Isaac and Jeffrey about how I organized the rewrite of OfficeLuv’s micro-service architecture into a speedy and stable monolith. The whole idea behind their podcast series is that rewriting a big software project is fraught with failures and that you shouldn’t do it - and they were gracious enough to bring me on to talk about how it can be done well!

The episode is available as audio:

Episode Thirteen - Transitioning from Microservices to Monolith with Josh Beckman — Never Rewrite
Episode Thirteen - Transitioning from Microservices to Monolith with Josh Beckman

Or video, where you can see me gesture too much for a podcast recording:

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