I Haven't Contributed to Open-Source in a While

I was reflecting on my post about Working In Public and I realized that I haven’t made and open source contribution to a project in many months now. I mean, I still am an active member of the [F]OSS community- I still operate over a dozen active libraries and tools and services and templates and other repositories, but I haven’t shared anything new in a while - just things in maintenance mode.

Is it because I’m only working on closed source things at Shopify? Is it because I’ve been almost entirely building software for myself, that I haven’t bought to package into something for others to use?

I used to invest a lot more time in making my GitHub projects and profile useful for other people. I might need to rekindle that interest and rediscover that time. It really brought me joy and gratitude to see other people building on what I had shared. And it’s times like these that we need community projects more than ever.

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