
Sick today

I’m feeling sick this morning because Trump was re-elected.

Any large group has incoherent and mentally unwell people among it. Usually, the majority of us focus on helping them. We work with them to come back to a shared understanding of what’s true about the world and common values of who people are and what is worth pursuing. The unwell people can yell at their imaginations and it doesn’t really hurt us and eventually the imaginary demons go away.

But when that group of incoherent and unwell people are in the majority, I am truly scared. What gets to me is that it’s not just that hate and insanity won a battle, it’s that hateful and incoherent people are in the majority. It’s that we can no longer work to help them from a position of stability, but that now we have to defend their actual attacks on all of us (themselves included) and their destruction of the commons based on imaginary demons.

But I’ll focus on this being one battle and we’re all staring at many more mounting battles and I hope we can defend better in those.

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