Marybeth, Paul, Dan, and I traveled down the keys and back to MIA.
Miami and Key West
Marybeth and I took a trip down to Key West and Miami at the end of March.
Since we didn’t take a single honeymoon, we are taking several shorter trips with friends and family, and this was the first one.
Travelling with Paul and Dan is always a joy because they’ve always found and planned for an infatuating series to visit.
We flew into Miami, rented a car, and drove down to Key West the next day.
We stayed a night in Key West, wandering the tiny streets, going to drag shows.
The next day, we drove halfway back up the Keys to spend a day on a private tiki boat and an evening in Marathon.
In the morning, we drove back up to Miami, where we spent an afternoon exploring Little Havana and then moved into the AirBnb where we stayed the rest of our trip.
For the next four days, we bounced back and forth between Miami and Miami Beach. We were within walking distance of the beach and I swam in the ocean every day.
Le Jardinier for a fancy meal, The Sylvester for drinks and dancing, Dante’s HiFi for a spinning DJ and games.
Los Fuegos for real Argentinian food, Broken Shaker for drinks by a dangerous pool, Sweet Liberty for an industry end to the evening.
Sugar for the view, Zuma for sweet sushi, Mama Tried for divy delicious drinks, Jaguar Sun for a lovely chat with the bartender.
Itamae for the best fish I’ve ever eaten, Stubborn Seed for a chef’s table meal, Swizzle Rum for the best and final drinks of the trip.
Every time we take a trip with Dan and Paul, it’s the best trip for years to come.