the difference between validation and parsing lies almost entirely in how information is preserved. Consider the following pair of functions:

validateNonEmpty :: [a] -> IO () validateNonEmpty (:) = pure () validateNonEmpty [] = throwIO $ userError “list cannot be empty”

parseNonEmpty :: [a] -> IO (NonEmpty a) parseNonEmpty (x:xs) = pure (x:|xs) parseNonEmpty [] = throwIO $ userError “list cannot be empty”

These two functions are nearly identical: they check if the provided list is empty, and if it is, they abort the program with an error message. The difference lies entirely in the return type: validateNonEmpty always returns (), the type that contains no information, but parseNonEmpty returns NonEmpty a, a refinement of the input type that preserves the knowledge gained in the type system. Both of these functions check the same thing, but parseNonEmpty gives the caller access to the information it learned, while validateNonEmpty just throws it away.

These two functions elegantly illustrate two different perspectives on the role of a static type system: validateNonEmpty obeys the typechecker well enough, but only parseNonEmpty takes full advantage of it. If you see why parseNonEmpty is preferable, you understand what I mean by the mantra “parse, don’t validate.”

Parsing returns a new piece of data. Parsing progresses the information processing, not just the program.

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