There is a story about the manager of Iron Maiden, one of the greatest metal bands of all time. At a dinner honoring the band, a young agent comes up to him and says how much he admires his skillful work in the music business. The manager looks at him and says, “HA! You think I am in the music business? No. I’m in the Iron fucking Maiden business.” The idea being that you want to be in the business of YOU. Not of your respective industry. Not of the critics. Not of the fads and trends and what everyone else is doing.

An industry is not a skill. It’s a collection imposed on people getting the real work done, which is always specific to a problem or goal and they way to succeed at it is to devote yourself to the goal, not the industry.

Also, focusing on an industry ideal is too comparative (between yourself and others). You shouldn’t focus on comparing yourself to others, but instead focus on performing to your own goals (how we achieve true satisfaction and mastery).

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