

I collect notes from things I read and hear. There are currently 1173 notes collected here. The best way to browse them is through the index.

Here are the most recent additions:


I don’t know how I hadn’t stumbled upon CW&T (Che-Wei Wang ...

In fact, the dental-office “badness” of so much of the A.I. art is ...

from Max Read

Hotline Show by Noah Kalina

I have fallen in love with Noah Kalina’s Hotline Show on YouTube (h...

PLACES TO INTERVENE IN A SYSTEM (in increasing order of effectiv...

from The Academy for Systems Change

She was like, “Don’t have a bifurcated closet.” And what she meant ...

from Percia Verlin

Fashion is obviously subjective. It’s not objective. But the way I’...

from Percia Verlin

But the psychedelics, they have these remarkable results where peop...

from radiolab.org

Yeah so basically we have these floatinggardens we put the plants o...

from Crime Pays But Botany Doesn't

For 27 years, I took photographs as I waved good-bye and drove away...

from deannadikeman.com

In some sense both of these observations are saying different versi...

from Max Read

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